Tuesday, January 4, 2022


A fishy flail I made for Eldritch Gambit:

Kind of a cross between Zaburo's scale sword from Naruto and a Mary Poppins handbag.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Knight Supine


Image by Ajale from Pixabay

One of my most shattering RPG experiences was attending a fantasy Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) session in the early 90s. My friends and I came in, whacked each other with foam weapons, argued about the rules, the usual. We were scrubs. The big-deal players came in with incredibly realistic suits of armor.

About half way through we came upon one of the biggest deals in the finest armor collapsed on the ground screaming, with a cadre of staffers around trying to help him. They told us he had slipped and struck his hip on a rock. There was no fight, no glory, no game, but there was definitely a rock. My own hip hurt just looking at it, and apparently all that plate mail did him not a lick of good against western Maryland granite.

I think of this fellow in armor, screaming and clutching his hip, whenever I consider how much realism I want in an RPG.

You should too.

METTLE Hybrid Dice Pool

There is a recent trend towards RPG designers leaving design notes in their actual game books. I have mostly avoided them in my work. If the...